Gen 2, Chapter 4: Branson

Of all the ways Lucy could've met the boy of her dreams, Penny never would've guessed that it would be at a park where they both happened to be playing on the monkey bars.

 No, it's not like they had just become children, with both of them right on the cusp of entering high school, but still, she was considerably younger than either of the two previous Adams women had been when they had their first romantic encounters, and Penny had to give her credit for that.

Lucy and Branson, the first time they met, were inseparable, spending hours at the park together. Even when Branson started high school, he would still come over and hang out with Lucy, but felt more like a big brother figure than a love interest for a while.

Still, everything changed when Lucy came to his high school, with Branson instantly claiming her as his own before any of the many other boys who had their eyes on her could whisk her away. (Though, as Penny looked back on things, it felt more like he saw her as something to simply watch more than to actually give care and affection, much to Leroy's displeasure.)

Even with his crazy antics and through all the days he had forgotten to take his pills, Lucy was still enamored with him. Considering her own kleptomania, she guessed it felt good to have someone who understood the way you did things, even if they weren't the most socially acceptable things.


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