Gen 2, Chapter 5: Totally Spies

Throughout the years, every one of the Adams heiresses had their special hobbies, the one activity they could always turn to when times got rough. Evelyn had her painting. Penny had her violin, and if there was one thing that Lucy had growing up, it was chess. After school, she'd always ask her father to drive her to the library or the park to play chess. If her father was busy, she'd walk to the library to play chess.

Why chess? Growing up, Lucy lived in a three-room house; There was a kitchen, a bathroom, and a single (though rather large) bedroom, where everyone slept together no matter how old they were. Needless to say, Lucy needed some money in her life, lest the family go another generation living in the same house that their grandmother was raised in. So, when she heard about the possibility of working as a government agent and the cash that came with the job, all she wanted to do was make sure she got a head start into a better life for her family, even if it would have to wait for a while down the road.

Whenever her mother got upset at her future plans of a complete renovation, Lucy would casually drop in the reminder that she wasn't just doing this for herself. She was doing this for the entire rest of the legacy family. Which, after her time was up, would still be at least 7 more generations, so there wasn't really any way it was a bad investment.

To her mother's dismay, as this meant the renovations would definitely be happening somewhere down the line, she graduated high school and instantly nabbed a job as an Agent Handler. It seemed like her future was secured.


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